Mergent Intellect

What is it?

Mergent Intellect contains detailed company profiles, industry overviews and forecasts, market research by location, business ratios, job listings, and residential contact information.

Getting Started

Access Mergent Intellect through any web browser:

  1. Go to the library’s website and click on the orange Research & Learning button and then on the Articles, Research & Information button.

  2. From the A-Z Databases list, you can use the subject drop-down menu to filter the list by Business & Investing resources or find Mergent Intellect alphabetically. You will be redirected to log in. 

  3. Find Mergent Intellect in the list and click Login required - click here. 

  4. Enter your library card barcode number and 4-digit PIN. Once you are logged in, click Mergent Intellect.

Quick Search

  • Click Company to search for a private or public company by name or ticker symbol. Profile content varies but may include contact info, history, number of employees, financial data, news, executive bios, SEC filings, annual reports, and a company family tree.

  • Click Executive to search for the name of a CEO, CFO, or other company executive to find basic contact info and a link to the applicable company profile.

  • Click Industry to search by SIC or NAICS code to get a list of businesses with that classification. Click the View Results button to see the list.

  • Click New U.S. Business to select a state from the map and see a list of businesses which have been founded in the last two weeks to one month.

  • Use the tabs at the top of the results list to filter results by categories such as sales, location, or country. You can also build files of up to 2000 records at a time from the results list or print the current page using the icons on the right-hand side of the page.

Advanced Search

  • Create lists of companies or executives that meet your selected criteria.

  • Criteria available include public/private, minority or women owned, SIC/NAICS/HIC codes, sales and growth figures, various location limiters, and more.

  • Check the box next to your choice, then select “Add to Criteria”. Repeat to add more criteria then click “Search” to display the results.

Learning Center

  • Help guides to help you get the most out of your experience.

  • How-to videos that show you tips and tricks on how to use Mergent Intellect.

Residential Search

  • People Search: Search by last name and one piece of location information to find contact information for an individual.

  • Phone Search: Enter a phone number to see who it belongs to.

  • Note: Mergent Intellect partners with White Pages to collect information for this search.

First Research

  • Industry profiles: Objective industry overviews, forecasts, news, challenges, trends, opportunities, and web links to help you stay up to date on an industry.

  • North American & International Profiles: Relevant data, news, risk assessments, and business outlook.

  • Industry Prospector: Select and rank industries based on 34 financial metrics, 2 human resources metrics, 7 industry drivers, forecasted growth, and trade growth and dollars.

Key Business Ratios

  • Access profitability, solvency, and efficiency ratios by industry or company.

  • Includes guides on how to navigate under the Help button in the upper right.


  • Search by county, zip code, or city to find recent and forecasted census data.

  • Prizm reports, based on Nielsen data, provide deeper insight into consumer behavior, and market research in a particular area.

Consumer Data

  • Quick Search: Input a person’s name to find out their age, income range, and more.

  • Advanced Search: Find contact info or consumers that meet your selected location, lifestyle, purchasing, and demographic criteria.