Impact fees are a one-time charge collected when new construction is completed in the unincorporated area of Manatee County. New construction increases demand for County infrastructure capacity, so impact fees ensure that new development pays its fair share of the capital cost incurred by the County to maintain adopted Levels of Service to accommodate population and job growth.
The use of impact fees is restricted to funding growth-related capital improvements for multimodal transportation, parks and natural resources, law enforcement, public safety, libraries and may not be used for replacing infrastructure, maintenance, or operations.
Facility (School) impact fees are assessed countywide; however, Manatee County
only collects the assessed impact fees for new development located within the unincorporated area of the County.
County also collects impact fees for each Fire Department, as well as Facility Investment Fees (Utility) for water and
wastewater capacity. To obtain additional information regarding impact fees for
the corresponding Fire Departments, click here for contact information. Click here to obtain additional information regarding Facility Investment Fees.