MANATEE COUNTY, FL (August 19, 2022) – Investing in Manatee County is a sound idea. At least that’s what prominent investor ratings show.
Both Fitch Ratings and Moody's Investors Service have assigned top ratings to Manatee County. The two services also provided a very high grade for the $212 million revenue improvement and refunding bonds series 2022.
An issuer rating is an assessment and provision of an opinion of an issuer's overall capacity to pay its financial obligations, focusing on the issuer's ability and willingness to meet its financial commitments.
The investor ratings reflect the County's historically solid operating performance characterized by high independent revenue raising ability, solid expenditure flexibility and maintenance of sound reserve levels. Expectations for strong long-term revenue growth trends and a low long-term liability burden also support the scores.
“We are pleased with the ratings,” said Manatee County Administrator Scott Hopes. "This shows that we are maintaining our fiscal responsibilities now, with a careful eye toward the future.”
More Information on the Ratings for Manatee County