Demographics NOW

What is it?

Demographic, consumer expenditure, and consumer profile reports and maps that you can use to develop marketing strategies, make location decisions, and more.

Getting Started

Access DemographicsNow through any web browser:

  1. Go to the library's website and click on the orange Research & Learning button and then on the Articles, Research & Information button.

  2. From the A-Z Databases list, you can use the subject dropdown menu to filter the list by Business & Investing resources or find DemographicsNow alphabetically. Click the link for DemographicsNow and enter your library card barcode number where it asks for a password. 

Using DemographicsNow

  1. Start by establishing the desired location for your report. You can enter an address, city, zip-code, county, or state in the location box in the upper right or use the Options menu to create a geography list to compare several locations.

  2. After setting your location, you can run demographic reports by selecting the Demographics tab and using the drop-down menus to choose your report type. You can download the reports you generate to a PDF, Word document, or Excel spreadsheet. 

  3. You can also set your location and select demographic criteria using the map tool. Select the Map tab and use the legend to the right of the screen to customize the variables you wish to view under Thematic Controls.

  4. Click the Tutorials tab to view training videos on DemographicsNow from Gale Business.