Adding Images and Video

Aside from each page’s Featured Hero Image, photos should only be used if they add significant value to the content of the page. Too many photos slow the loading time of a page and can make it harder for visitors to find the information they're looking for

Think mobile: An image takes up a lot of valuable real estate for a mobile user trying to find information. If the image is not necessary to the message, rethink if you need it.

Website Image Standards


  • Use images from Manatee County's Flickr page (contact Information Outreach with any questions) - any other source is strongly discouraged
  • Compress photos before you upload them so they don't slow the page's load time. Suggested tool:
  • Include metadata on every image (see Image Properties under "How to Insert an Image" below)


  • Use clipart, stock photos or copyrighted images
  • Use altered images or graphics without approval
  • Put words or important content on a photo or graphic (see below)

Altered or PhotoShopped images (beyond basic resizing) must be approved by an administrator.

Photos should not have text on them. If they do, you must include that information in the metadata for the image to meet accessibility standards. (Featured hero images cannot have text on them under any circumstances.)

We highly recommend including all the same information in the copy of the page as well so it is searchable on the site.

  • Ex: You want to post an image of a flyer for your upcoming event. The same information on the flyer should be in the body copy of the page so it's accessible by visually-impaired visitors and so citizens can find the information in our search results.

How to insert an image

You do not need to use a special portlet for photos. Photos can be inserted into a basic Content portlet with the rest of your page content.

Click the pencil on the Content portlet where you'd like to add the image to and you will be taken to the Content Editor.

We recommend hitting the Add Paragraph (P+) icon before adding an image, so it does not wrap with text.

There are some instances where it makes sense to wrap an image in text (such as a headshot next to someone's bio and contact information). However, we caution against this, as it often does not resize well on tablet and mobile devices. If you choose to wrap an image, move your cursor to the beginning of the text where you want it to appear.

To insert an image from the Content Editor (not Design Mode), click the Image Manager icon in the toolbar (square with a mountain and sun).

If you are using a photo that is already in the CMS, find and select the right photo in the Image Manager. Skip to Image Properties below.

Upload in Image Manager

To add an image from the Content Editor (not Design Mode), click the Image Manager icon in the toolbar (square with a mountain and sun).

Once the Image Manager pops up, use the left pane to navigate to the proper folder. Folders should be arranged similar to the hierarchy of the site. For example, if you are adding a photo to the "Adopt a Pet" page, you would go to Departments > Public Safety > Animal Services > Adopt a Pet.

If you are adding a photo to a new page or a page that previously had no images, you will need to create a new folder. Navigate to the proper parent folder (in the case above, "Animal Services"). Then click the New Folder icon to create a new folder with the same name as your page.

Once you are in the right folder click the +Upload button (with a green plus sign) and find the file on your computer. 

  • If you want to replace an old photo with a new photo of the same name, check the "Overwrite if file exists?" box.

Click the Upload button.

Image Manager

Edit Image properties

Make sure you have your new photo selected in the middle pane (you should see a preview on the right). Then click the Properties tab in the right pane. You must fill out the Alt Text field here before inserting a photo. Otherwise, you will get a popup telling you to do so.

Image Manager properties fields

  • Width
    • For most photos, we recommend entering 80%. You must type the %. Using a percentage means the image will resize on all screens. You can use 40-60% if wrapping with text.
    • For long vertical photos, we recommend doing a smaller percentage or sizing it at 300px (will be smaller but work on mobile devices).
  • Height - If using a percentage for width, delete the number for height.
    • This field may keep trying to populate. Click to the chainlink icon to the right of the boxes so it appears "broken" (see image above) and you will be able to delete the height. 
    • Note: If you come back and edit the image properties, you will need to delete this number again.
  • Border Color - Do not change
  • Border Width - Do not change
  • Alt Text - Enter a description of the image. This is what the visitor will see if the image doesn't load. 
  • Long Description - Do not enter a description here.
  • Image Alignment - Click the drop down arrow to select. We recommend selecting the middle option, unless you are wrapping the image with text.
  • Margin - Set all margins to 6. This creates space between your image and surrounding text.
  • CSS Class - Do not change

Once you've finished out all the necessary fields. Double click the name of the image in the middle pane to insert it into your page.

How to edit an inserted image

Once you've inserted an image, you can edit its size, alignment, etc. by right clicking on the image in the Content Editor and clicking Properties. 

A box will popup where you can make changes. The height field will populate when you open this box to make edits. Delete the number in the Height field if you sized your image with a percentage width. Click OK to save your edits.

How to insert a video

Important Note: Contact the Site Administrator to embed video if you want it to be responsive (increase/decrease with the size of the screen and on mobile).

All videos must have captions before they can be embedded on the site.

YouTube will usually auto-caption a video, but it is your responsibility to review the captions and make edits so the content is correct in spelling, context and timing.

Resource: How to edit YouTube captions

How to insert a YouTube video

You do not need to use a special portlet for videos. Videos can be inserted into a basic Content portlet with the rest of your page content.

Click the pencil on the Content portlet where you'd like to add the video to and you will be taken to the Content Editor.

We strongly recommend hitting the Add Paragraph (P+) icon before adding an image, so it does not wrap with text. Videos do not resize on tablet and mobile devices. Wrapping text around a video may cause issues on these devices.

Videos should be selected from Manatee County’s YouTube page. If you want to upload and insert a video that is not already on YouTube, please contact the Site Administrator.

To insert a video from the Content Editor (not Design Mode), click the Insert External Video icon in the toolbar (blue circle with white triangle).

Paste in the URL for the video. 

Paste in YouTube video link

This should not be the URL from your browser when you view the video. You must go to the video on YouTube, click the Share button below the video and copy that URL.

Where to get YouTube Share link

Once you've pasted in the URL, click SaveIf you click anywhere in the box, or if you click the "tab" key on your keyboard, a preview of your video will appear. You do not need to change any of this information. We recommend keeping the default size of 400x300.

Adding YouTube video preview


How to insert responsive video (advanced)

All videos must have captions before they can be embedded on the site.

YouTube will usually auto-caption a video, but it is your responsibility to review the captions and make edits so the content is correct in spelling, context and timing.

Resource: How to edit YouTube captions

Videos should be selected from Manatee County’s YouTube page. If you want to upload and insert a video that is not already on YouTube, please contact the Site Administrator.

How to insert a responsive YouTube video

To insert a responsive video, you will need to edit the HTML in your content portlet. If you are not familiar with how to edit HTML, contact the Site Administrator to embed the video for you.

Click the HTML tab and go to where you want the video on the page. Paste in the following HTML: 

.video-responsive iframe{
<div class="video-responsive">

Make sure you insert the embed code from YouTube where designated above in between the <div> tags.